Understanding Pulpotomy: The Lifesaver for Your Child's Decaying Tooth

September 19, 2024

Pulpotomy, often referred to as a "baby root canal" or pulp therapy, is a common dental procedure performed on children to treat and save a severely decayed tooth. Understanding this procedure can alleviate any worries you might have and help you make informed decisions about your child's dental health.

What is a Pulpotomy?

A pulpotomy is a dental procedure that involves removing the infected pulp from a tooth's crown, leaving the pulp in the roots intact. This procedure is often performed on primary (baby) teeth with extensive decay or damage. 

  • The first step in a pulpotomy is administering local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding area.
  • The dentist then removes the decayed part of the tooth and the infected pulp in the crown.
  • The remaining pulp in the roots is treated with a therapeutic agent to prevent further infection.
  • Finally, the tooth is sealed with a filling or a dental crown to protect it from further damage.

Why is a Pulpotomy Necessary?

When a tooth is severely decayed or damaged, the pulp (the soft inner part of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels) can become infected. This infection can cause severe toothache and, if left untreated, can spread to the jawbone and other parts of the body. 

  • A pulpotomy can relieve the pain and prevent the spread of infection.
  • It can also save a primary tooth from extraction, which is crucial for maintaining the space for the permanent tooth to erupt correctly.

The Benefits of Pulpotomy

Pulpotomy has several benefits, especially for children:

  • It can save a severely decayed tooth from extraction.
  • It helps maintain the space needed for the permanent tooth to grow in correctly.
  • It can relieve severe toothache caused by pulp infection.
  • It can prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the body.

Are There Any Risks?

Like any medical procedure, a pulpotomy has some risks. However, they are minimal and far outweighed by the benefits. 

  • There is a small chance that the infection could return, requiring further treatment or extraction of the tooth.
  • Some children may experience discomfort during or after the procedure.

Pulpotomy in Costa Mesa, CA

At Little Roots Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Linda Ngo and Dr. Hannieh Hassani are committed to providing the highest quality dental care for your child. If your child has a severely decayed tooth, a pulpotomy might be the best solution. We invite you to call us at (714) 477-2906 to schedule an appointment. We are here to answer all your questions and ensure that your child has a positive and comfortable dental experience.

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